Analyse, grade and rank your campaigns in seconds
Use insights from your best campaigns to boost your results
The more you use it, the smarter it gets and the better your results
MailSparks is brought to you by the founders of Airbase, a leading CRM, email and automation agency.
We’re marketing veterans (well, Phil is the old one) who’ve been working with email marketing since its very beginnings.
Today, email remains the single most effective and profitable direct marketing channel, but it’s more competitive than ever.
Your customer’s attention has never been so hard-won and valuable.
It’s time to make sure your emails really work.
Our proprietary ranking algorithm blends data science, natural language processing and machine learning to grade your email campaigns.
The algorithm’s unique combination of Engagement Score and Content Score delivers results that are specific to you and your email campaigns.
This is about how your emails perform with your audience.
At the heart of the MailSparks platform is our Intelligence Engine.
Building on the algorithm’s analysis, MailSparks uses qualitative insights from your best performing email campaigns to help shape future ones.
The generative model blends 20 years of hands-on experience in email marketing and data from millions of emails with the latest A.I. innovations.
We’re looking for a small number of participants for this early-stage programme. Access is by invitation only. Get started here:
Got questions? Email us at and we’ll get back to you straight away.